Embarking upon the next chapter of the Borderline Players story will require us to find a new, permanent home. While we have access to the wonderful Termon Complex to stage our productions, or current home is no longer fit for purpose. The building is inaccessible and is unable to provide the facilities required by many of our members, particularly those with mobility issues or additional needs.
We have identified a building within the Pettigo & Tullyhommon community that with some elbow-grease, effort and not forgetting some cash, would provide us with…
Our aim is to ensure that future generations in the communities we reach have access to opportunities to take part in Cultural and Arts activities.
We know that there is a renewed desire post-pandemic for social and cultural activities and our passion for the projects we deliver has been reinvigorated by the level of support and demand, but our ability to develop is being restricted by our current situation.
Ultimately we want somewhere we can all come together with past, present and future members to build friendships and enjoy the experiences of being part of a wonderful diverse community.
Beginning life as a simple idea among friends in the summer of 2000 to create a new platform for the people of Pettigo and Tullyhommon to develop and showcase their artistic talents…
Our story like most has a humble beginning but over the past 23 years we have reached some dizzying heights…
Relying on the goodwill and support of the local community and rummaging through skips, farmyards and charity shops we first took to the stage back in April 2001…
Daring to do things differently, our debut production, Little Jack Horner featured a cast and crew of 40 people…
Energy, enthusiasm and bucket-loads of effort have ensured that every production, festival, workshop and outreach programme has surpassed the one before it…
Recognition has come from unlikely sources with Borderline Players featuring in a BBC documentary series, A Tale of Two Panto’s in 2006 and being invited to perform in Orlando, Florida in 2009…
Logistics and location have never been barriers, we now welcome members from across the north west, from Belturbet to Belleek and beyond, Borderline has become a home for many…
Inclusivity and creative integrity is what we pride ourselves upon. We welcome people of all ages and abilities irrespective of their backgrounds or beliefs…
Never a group to back away from a challenge from, we have an unquestionable desire to constantly and consistently provide new opportunities for our community…
Exciting times lie ahead and we hope you can support our vision for the future…